Egypt has a diverse and complex economy that has undergone significant changes in recent years. With more than 100 million citizens, Egypt has a large domestic market. The industrial base is relatively broad. As a result, Egypt is increasingly establishing itself as a
gateway for exports to other African countries. The oil and gas sector as well as public infrastructure projects contribute to economic growth. Egypt is not only expanding economic ties with its neighbours, but also transport routes. A boom in digitalisation and a
well-educated workforce are providing further momentum.
Egypt's geographic location also makes it an attractive destination for foreign investment, as it provides access to the African market
and the emerging economies of the region. This can be seen in the country‘s rapidly growing industries such as tourism, construction, and telecommunications.
Inhabitants: 112,7 (2023 in Mio.)
Business languages: Arabic, English
Currency: Egyptian pound (EGP)
(Source: gtai, Germany Trade and Invest)